Do You Have Sinus Pressure or a Toothache?

So your tooth is aching. It’s keeping you up at night. You wish you’d better appreciated life before the toothache. You want the pain to go away. You’re in distress. Why is it aching? You check the common causes of toothache online. The common causes of a toothache… Read More
5 Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

We all know the importance of strong, healthy teeth. Healthy teeth improve self-confidence, and they also enable you to smile at the world, while giving the world the opportunity to smile back at you! If you have strong, healthy teeth, chances are you feel better about yourself in… Read More
3 Procedures That Straighten Teeth

So… you’re a teenager: your parents are harping on at you about getting your teeth straight. You’ll be thankful in the future, they tell you. You won’t have to worry about smiling any more. They give you a choice of three main teeth-straightening procedures. Those are: Invisalign Fancy… Read More
Risks of Delaying Dental Treatment

With the high costs of dental treatment, it can be very tempting for a person to avoid going to the dentist at all. The fact is that too many people ignore the fact that dental treatment is actually incredibly important to your overall health. It is crucial that… Read More
6 Ways to Fix Bad Breath

Bad breath, known as halitosis, can be frustrating, and sometimes difficult to get rid of. Bad breath can be a result of poor oral hygiene, diet and unhealthy lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking, etc.). Bad breath is characterized by a strong, unpleasant odor coming from the mouth. While it does happen… Read More